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View the Webinar NOW



About this webinar: 

It’s not business as usual right now. But right now, we should all be doing our best to take care of business. Case in point, public relations and analyst relations opportunities (earned media in general) abound for Work Tech brands with a unique point of view.

What we’re experiencing now is a once-in-a-decade opportunity to define your brand while building important relationships with industry analysts, media and special influencers. You can make 2020 your watershed year if you make the right moves.

Presenters: Bret Starr, Founder and CEO; Tony Spangler, Head of Earned Media. (60 minutes)

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Let's Talk

Our senior strategists at the office are devoting all of our time for the next several weeks to provide complimentary consulting sessions. We have cleared our calendars and we are here for you. Let’s jump on the phone and talk about how to make lemonade out of a quarantine! Reach out here and our team will follow up to to schedule a session immediately.